What We Do

Any Make
Any Model
Delivered to You
No Dealership Trip

We Provide an elegant alternative to the tradition car buying experience. Compare multiple makes, models and promotions with one representative to make the most of your budget.

How We Do It

Car dealerships are primarily privately held businesses. Just like any private business, each one is in a unique situation at any given time.

We have an extensive network of dealerships that we scour to find the best possible pricing for the vehicle you are looking for.

The result? We save our customers 20% on average over the course of the lease, all without the squabble of a trip to the car dealer.

Peace Of Mind & True Savings

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you getting my car?
Your car is coming from a dealership of that manufacturer. No funny business.
How do I get my car?
We can arrange delivery to just about anywhere, we have had clients as far South as Florida and as far West as Illinois. We offer serious savings. We are based out of NYC. Customers can pick up their car from our offices in Brooklyn or we can deliver the car to you. Currently we offer free delivery in NYC, Long Island, NJ, Westchester and CT.
How Can You Offer Such Savings
One example of how we could obtain a deal: let’s say one dealership somewhere is really close to hitting a quota, we move a few pawns around the board and help them while getting you an unbeatable deal.
Can you take my lease return?
How long does it take to get my car?
As little as one day! However, this is a very circumstantial question and depends on many factors, please contact us.

It Only Takes a Minute

Our Promise: No gimmicks, No bait and switch, Only real
up-front pricing for the cars you want to drive.